What is the purpose of the manual reading system?
The manual reading system in Thermotrack Webserve enables rigorous temperature monitoring when automatic readings are not possible. It is particularly useful for unconnected equipment, or in environments where automatic probes cannot be installed. Operators manually enter measured temperatures, ensuring compliance with control standards. The system includes alerts to prevent thresholds being exceeded or readings being delayed, ensuring reliable and secure data monitoring.
1. Creation of a “Manual survey” equipment type
To add “Manual reading” equipment to Thermotrack Webserve, follow these steps :
- Go to the “Add equipment” menu.
- Select probe type as “Manual reading”.
- Set high and low alarm levels for the desired temperature.
- Indicate the days of the week on which readings are to be taken.
- Specify the time at which readings are to be taken, with a tolerance (“plus or minus” X hours or minutes).
- Select whether readings can be taken outside the specified time slot.
- Select the users to be alerted if readings are not taken on time or if the temperature reading is outside the set limits.
2. How to take a manual reading
Once the “Manual reading” equipment has been created, a new “Manual reading” menu will appear in Thermotrack Webserve.
- Select this menu to access the manual statement interface.
- An operator can then manually enter the temperatures measured on the control thermometer.
- The data is then stored in Thermotrack Webserve and can be consulted or analyzed in real time.