• View data from a downloaded mission

    From the homepage, click on a completed mission to view the collected information. The data is organized into 5 tabs, detailed below. 1) Mission Status This tab provides general information about the mission: Start and end date of the recording Sampling frequency defined High and low alarm thresholds These details…

  • How to program a Weezidot

    Steps to Program a WeeziDot Select the WeeziDot Open WeeziApp and make sure your phone’s Bluetooth is enabled. From the list of available WeeziDots on the screen, select the one you want to program. Access the mission settings Tap on “Settings / Missions”. Click on “Start a new mission”. If…

  • Start with WeeziApp

    Welcome to WeeziApp!  Follow these simple steps to get started: Step 1: Log in to Your WeeziCloud Account If you have a WeeziCloud account, follow the instructions below. If you don’t have one, you can only obtain PDF charts and share them. Proceed to the next step. Open WeeziApp on…

  • Adapter error when opening Thermotrack PC

    If you receive the error message “You have not connected your adapter” when you open thermotrack PC, please check the following points Check the blue USB adapter Close Thermotrack PC Connect only the blue USB adapter (disconnect the black cable) Open Thermotrack PC If Thermotrack PC opens in full version,…

  • How to get a WeeziCloud account

    You are a new customer and want to use WeeziCloud. If you have not yet received your login credentials, please fill out the form below. You will receive your login credentials as soon as your account has been validated.  

  • Calibration WeeziCloud

    This function allows you to enter the data from a calibration certificate to correct the values of the WeeziDot. Press “New” to add the calibration parameters for a new WeeziDot. Then choose the type of correction you want to apply. Quadratic: based on a 4th-degree polynomial, this method smooths all…

  • Home page of WeeziCloud

    The WeeziCloud homepage displays a list of missions recorded by your WeeziDots. These missions are categorized into two types: Pending missions: Currently active. The WeeziDot is still recording and has not yet been read. Downloaded missions: The WeeziDot has been read. The recording is finished, and the data is available…

  • Users Weezidot

    This menu allows you to grant access to your Weezicloud accont to other users (clients, suppliers, colleagues, etc.). You can Create, Edit, and Delete users. Add Users Enter the full details of the user. Profile: choose between Administrator and User. An administrator has the right to perform any type of…

  • WeeziDot technical specifications

    WeeziDot is a Bluetooth datalogger that records temperature or both temperature and humidity. The complete technical specifications are available on the WeeziDot page of the Plug and Track website. Technical specifications of WeeziDot Bluetooth Data Loggers WeeziDot T WeeziDot TH Measurement Range -40/+85°C -40/+85°C – 0/100% Accuracy ± 0.5°C ±…

  • How to read a Weezidot

    To read a Weezidot, open the WeeziApp application on your device The list of nearby WeeziDots appears on the screen Select a WeeziDot View data for selected Weezidot Select a WeeziDot to view the data. The curve is displayed as follows You can zoom in on the curve with your…