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  4. Sterilisation Value (FO) calculation

Sterilisation Value (FO) calculation

The sterilising value, also known as F0, is a key indicator used in food microbiology to assess the effectiveness of thermal sterilisation of products. It measures the cumulative effect of the heat treatment on the micro-organisms present in the food. It is used to guarantee that the micro-organisms are sufficiently destroyed to ensure food safety.

Calculating the sterilisation value with Thermotrack PC

Le logiciel Thermotrack PC facilite le calcul de la valeur stérilisatrice (F0) en se basant sur deux éléments cruciaux :

  1. Température cible (T) : Cette température représente le seuil au-delà duquel la stérilisation commence à être efficace. Elle est généralement définie en fonction du type de micro-organismes à éliminer et du produit à traiter.
  2. Valeur de Z : C’est la variation de température nécessaire pour réduire le temps de traitement requis par un facteur de 10. Cette valeur est déterminée expérimentalement pour chaque type de micro-organisme cible.

Fonctionnement de Thermotrack PC

When you read a Thermo Button, the “Ster / past” button opens the page for calculating the sterilisation value. You can enter the target temperature (T) and the Z value. The software will then :

  • Calculate F0 : It follows the temperature graph of the sterilisation process, identifying when the temperature reaches or exceeds the target temperature (T), and then integrates the cumulative time at each temperature level to determine the total sterilising value.
  • Calculate exposure time: In addition to F0, the software also calculates the total time that the temperature has been at or above the target temperature, giving an accurate measure of the effectiveness of the treatment.

Advantages of Thermotrack PC integration

Using Thermotrack PC to calculate the sterilisation value offers major advantages:

  • Accuracy and automation: By automating calculations, the software minimises errors and delivers accurate results.
  • Regulatory compliance: The software helps companies comply with food safety standards, guaranteeing efficient heat treatment.
  • Detailed reports: Data is presented in the form of a report for easy analysis and traceability.

Determining the T and Z values depends on the product you wish to sterilise and the type of micro-organism you wish to destroy. Contact a specialist in microbiology and food preservation techniques who will be able to help you determine these values.

Updated on 07/05/2024

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