How to mission a Thermo Button ? Use Thermotrack PC Prepare a mission means program a Button for the next data collection. 3 methods are possible : Direct missionning. Relaunching...
How to read a Thermo Button with Thermotrack PC Use Thermotrack PC Press the « Download button » and place a button on the reader. You get: : Tabs : Status, Alarms,...
Customize Thermotrack PC to save time Thermotrack PC The icon « Tools » gives you several customization options to save time. When downloading a Button, you can have...
Archives Thermotrack PC Thermotrack enables you to organize your archives into folders and subfolders See the automatic archive options in the customization options....
Database management Thermotrack PC Thermotrack PC When you install Thermotrack PC, an empty database called “Thermobouton” is created in the C:\ProgramDataProges-Plus\Thermotrack\Vx directory (x is the number...
Superimposition of the graph Thermotrack PC To superimpose several missions on the same graph, use menu ” Visualization” then “Superimposition». Choose a first record in the...
Sterilisation Value (FO) calculation Thermotrack PC The sterilising value, also known as F0, is a key indicator used in food microbiology to assess the effectiveness of...
Expert Module 21 CFR part 11 Thermotrack PC The Expert Module 21 CFR part 11 gives you the possibility to : Give a login and password to each...
Thermotrack Mobile, Synchronization Module Use Thermotrack PC The Synchronization Module allows you to import readings taken with a cell phone and the Thermotrack Mobile application. Licence The...